Change the game of compliance training solutions

Current compliance training programs have only been found to be 10% effective. Despite it being an essential part of so many organizations, training often gets left behind. We took a look at why it’s so important, and how gamified training could provide an effective solution.

What is compliance training?

Compliance training is an important type of employee training, and one that is often mandatory. It helps your employees understand the regulations placed on their work. These restrictions may be enforced by internal or external factors. Compliance training is a key component in ensuring the safety of both your company and your people.

What are the different types of
compliance training?

There are several different types of employee compliance training:

Insurance people talking

Corporate compliance training

This is put into place by an organization for compliance to both internal and external regulations.

For example, many companies train their employees in how to handle company sensitive data.

Regulatory compliance training

Compliance training specific to external regulations.

For example, it is mandatory for all relevant firms to complete anti-money laundering training.

BEHAVIOUR characters cover

Industry-specific compliance training

This compliance training is for regulations specific to your industry.

For example, the hospitality industry will have compliance training around Food Safety laws.

Why is employee compliance
training important?

Compliance training for employees is vital to ensure the safety of everyone related to an organization, including the customers. Compliance training can help in:

Meeting legal expectations

Failure to comply with regulations can incur significant fines and even criminal prosecution, which can be seriously detrimental to the employee or company at fault.

Maintaining reputation

It’s important that you’re seen as a safe and trusted organization, and compliance with regulations is key to this.

Cost reductions

Compliance training can reduce unnecessary costs in a variety of ways. For example, workplace safety training can help greatly reduce work-related injuries, which cost the UK £7.6 billion in 2019-2020.

Employee satisfaction

Compliance training not only ensures the safety of an employee, but examples such as diversity training help create an inclusive and supportive work environment. This can contribute to keeping employees satisfied, which studies have found can increase productivity by 12%.

Why choose Attensi for your compliance training needs?

According to Forbes, just 10% of corporate compliance training is effective1. Sometimes because the content is dull. Sometimes because organizations don’t follow through and make sure training is being applied. Whatever the reason, this is a real problem. But we believe we have the answer.

Attensi is a world leader in gamified simulation training, combining cutting edge 3D technology with human psychology.

The end result? Effective and engaging training programs that close the knowledge gap by at least 90%. Gamification makes training fun, and employees are more likely to repeat it. This visualizes the learning curve- you can literally see your employees improving each time they repeat a task!

Delivered across a range of devices, this is the innovative way to train. Your employees can take full control of their learning – accessing their modules on their own device at the time and place that suits them best. An example of this is when we helped Erling Grimstad deliver their AML training through a mobile app.

What you get is a repeatable, scalable learning tool that’s easily updated so your teams never miss a beat when it comes to compliance.

If you’re still working on desktops and laptops, don’t worry. Our training is compatible with a wide range of IT systems and workplace processes, so that it can be easily integrated with your existing LMS.

Compliance training in action

When your people power your organization, keeping your employees safe on the job is high on the agenda. Cover how to stay safe- whether that be fire safety in an office, or procedures when using technical machinery.

GDPR training helps employees know the difference between data they can and can’t share, how to collect and store it, as well as what to do in the event of a breach. This type of data protection pertains to data belonging to employees, customers or a third party.

Ensure you’re building a diverse workforce that’s both diverse in people, and diverse in thought. Highlight outdated beliefs and prejudices and help employees understand them and move forward positively.

The goal of this training is to create a work environment welcoming to those of all backgrounds.

17.9% of employed people 2  around the world have reported experiencing some kind of workplace harassment in the workplace.

If you’re putting policies in place to combat this, you need your teams to be compliant and train them on what you expect from them, and how to deal with any incidents.

The nature of healthcare means that it is a heavily regulated industry.

This means it’s vital that employees not only understand the rules and regulations, but actively promote behavior that prevents conduct below the ethical standard.

Regulations around the import and export of goods and services vary from place to place.

This makes it all the more important to have an effective compliance training program so your employees are capable of following the correct rules.

Every industry has a unique set of regulations, and even this changes from country to country. It’s important for everyone in your organization to be fully aware of the regulations within your industry.

508 refers to Section 5083 of the US Workforce Rehabilitation Act. This act requires Federal agencies to make any informational and electronic technology accessible to those with disabilities.

You have HR in place to protect both employee and employer. HR should be aware of the legal regulations when dealing with issues, so that there is a fair outcome to every dispute.

Whilst most industries are affected in some shape or form by environmental regulations, there are some where it is more relevant than others.

There are hundreds of different regulations and whilst employees do not always need to know the details of every single one, they should have some idea about the environmental responsibilities they are expected to uphold.

The pharmaceutical industry is one that is heavily regulated, and for good reason. Organizations need to have effective programs in place that ensure employees’ understanding of the regulations, or else the final product can become unsafe.

The nature of the insurance industry requires those working within it to have a knowledge of the laws that regulate the industry. Employees are required to pass compliance training to have a license to practice. Attensi helped US insurance firm American National close the knowledge gap with new employees by 90%.

How to deliver compliance
training successfully

At Attensi, training is our thing. We’ve highlighted some things you can think about when creating a successful compliance training program.

Gamification is a great way to get employees throwing themselves into training. In contrast to traditional learning methods, learners take an active role in their learning. They must participate to succeed. There’s nothing passive about it.

Gamification adds a healthy element of competition, which motivates employees to repeat training until they have fully mastered the material (and beaten their rival coworkers). Attensi embeds psychology into our gamified material, to maximize the effect of the training.

Everyone is different. And Attensi helps you to create a diverse training program that speaks to your different learners. If you provide a training program that is personalized to suit an employee’s particular needs, it is far more likely to be effective.

Breaking content down into bite-sized, easily digestible chunks makes it easier to remain engaged, and 58% of employees say they would be more likely to use training tools if they were formatted this way.

Similarly, to fighting the ‘boss’ at the end of a video game, your teams will be able to demonstrate their learning at the end of each module. Help employees reinforce what they just learnt through application, as well as identify what they need to go back over.

If your training is easily accessible, employees are more likely to complete and repeat training activities. Whether that’s on breaks, on their commute or during quiet periods, they can easily find everything they need.

Over 85% of the world’s population own a smart-phone4. It’s time you started delivering training to where your employees are.

How can simulation and gamification enhance compliance training?

Simulations provide a safe platform through which employees can practice, allowing them to learn from real life situations without the fear of costly mistakes. Our high-end 3D simulations make for a truly immersive, context-driven experience that employees can come out of feeling confident in their knowledge.

Gamified learning is proven to drive repetition, which is key in closing the knowledge gap. Studies have shown that when we learn something just once, we forget 80% of it within a month. Imagine how much more we can retain when we take a ‘little and often’ approach over an extended period.

Attensi is the best option when looking to provide an effective training program, and compliance training is as important as it gets.

If you’d like to find out more about how our training solutions can help your organization stay safe, talk to one of our Attensi team today:

Are you ready to level up your training?


  1. Companies Waste Billions Of Dollars On Ineffective Corporate Training,
  3. Section 508 Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,