Pharma employee looking on her laptop

Cultivating excellence in Pharma

Exceptional growth takes root with Attensi

In tune with Pharma:
Your training ally

Pharma people talking an smiling and holdning an ipad

In this era of disruptive change, your patients need you more than ever. Attensi offers game-changing solutions for the pharma sector. Fast-paced, efficient, and impactful training for excellence at scale.

Pharma attensi on a computer

We understand your world. Our sector specialists have a wealth of experience from pharmaceutical and biotech companies including AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Pfizer, Sanofi, and Tillots Pharma.

pharma employee holding a laptop

We’re as committed to your regulatory obligations and patient care as you are. From field reps to C-suite, our solutions help you leverage your business and deliver your promises to patients and HCPs.

We work with some of the leading pharma companies in the world

Boehringer Ingelheim

Discover how Boehringer Ingelheim used Attensi to elevate their product, disease, and launch training.


of the identified knowledge gap closed


countries have the training (to date)


times on average have the employees repeated the training

Quality and quantity at scale

Our solutions include

In today’s ever-evolving pharmaceutical landscape, ‘customer centricity’ isn’t just a buzzword – it’s a strategic imperative.

Shifting from traditional pharma methods to innovative, customer-centric omnichannel strategies requires unlearning old habits and mastering essential new skills and behaviors.

Our gamified simulation training empowers your team with the tools they need to excel in customer-centric omnichannel engagement while reinforcing a consistent approach across your entire organization. This marks the dawn of a new era of excellence in the industry.

Sales in pharma requires expert knowledge of the therapeutic area, the product and its application as well as multi-faceted sales skills and competencies to be effective in face-to-face and online opportunities.

Our training gives your sales teams the platform to practice as many times as they need to, in challenging and realistic sales scenarios.

Our simulation solutions have helped sales teams to improve their sales skills and their confidence to achieve the levels of mastery required to be exceptional at adding value in their customer interactions. 

Great leaders and talented coaches are a critical catalyst for the success of your teams.

Our leadership training solutions help your middle managers, leadership teams and head office senior leaders to master the skills and behaviors that inspire, encourage and enhance performance. 

Regulatory training should not be a chore.

Our solutions engage your employees in the detail, the application and the fundamental importance of getting this aspect of pharma right every day.

Make errors in the virtual world, experiencing the consequences of errors and inaccuracies in a safe environment so that you can avoid costly mistakes in the real world. 

Health and Safety matters.

Our simulation training helps learners to master the detail as well as the context, so learners can experience the consequence of their actions in the virtual world.

Realistic scenarios make for memorable experiences and real world behavioral change. We create relatable scenarios that your employees are likely to face as well as those worst-case scenarios that you hope they will never have to deal with and yet you need to ensure they are prepared just in case.  

Actions speak louder than words.

Our training in Diversity, Equality and Inclusion helps to train everyone to the same high bar. The nuances are important to help people gain a better understanding of the different ways in which we can achieve an environment of respect and fairness.

We work closely with our clients to cover sensitive ground, including unconscious bias, exposing learners to scenarios that make them more aware of the potential for inequality and discrimination in the workplace.  

In pharma, context is absolutely key to achieve successful training outcomes in IT systems and processes.

With our PROCESS solutions we can replicate your systems exactly, including any custom elements, as well as provide the context so that learners understand why best practice and competence in the system or several systems in a process has real life consequences.

Our pharma clients love the scalability of our IT Systems and Process solutions because consistency at scale has a major impact on efficiency and best practice. 

In order to achieve company culture goals your staff don’t just need to understand your core messaging and mission statement – they need to fully engage with it and apply it to their own roles.

They need to see how they contribute to the bigger picture. By engaging and inspiring your staff in this way, our training helps individuals and organizations to grow to be exceptional. 

Are you ready to level up your training?


We’ve got plenty of experience working with MLR review through all our previous pharma solutions. We also have employees with background from the pharma sector, too. Our platform enables quick and easy sharing and review of all text and voice within each solution. As well as a structured documentation package containing all text/voice, correct and incorrect answers, the reviewers can also play through the solution in real time.

Attensi offers a full suite of customizable solutions, enabling clients to create simulations tailored to their needs, environments, and specific scenarios, with key focus on usability, easiness, and professional quality. Most of our solutions are customized to fit our client’s needs, but we do also offer some off-the-shelf solutions.

Our solutions work because they’re built with you in mind.

Our 2D and 3D simulations are designed around your requirements. We take a systematic approach. We’ll outline the learning objectives, the key skills and the behavior’s you want your teams to achieve from their course material. Crucially, we’ll discuss how you can measure the impact your simulations have made.

From here, we’ll create your gamified simulation in our software, Attensi CREATOR. Around 80% of your simulation will be based on pre-existing code. The remaining 20% will be bespoke to your pharma organization.

This means we can deliver customized content in an efficient development time.

Delivering a great project is all about collaboration. We’ve worked with plenty of medical/scientific third party agencies, and we’re happy to work with your agency on our joint project. We also have our own partnerships in place from relationships we’ve built, so we can also offer medical/scientific subject matter expertise if you need it.

Absolutely Attensi have partnerships in place with medical/scientific subject matter experts who can work with you to create your content. We are also happy to work with your existing third party agency if you have one.

Yes, The Attensi Technology Platform can give you deep insights into how people use the training (playthrough data) and how their competence and behavior’s develops over time. As a standard we provide regular reports showing who has played, how often, for how long, how many stars (score) for the different cases. We can also go deeper as well as we in principle can track “everything” the player does within a solution.

We’re used to working with pharmaceutical organizations on a global scale, so we know how important it is to offer training in multiple languages. We now have users in over 150 countries and our simulations have been translated into over 50 different languages.

Attensi offers standard third-party integrations included in the license fee. Such an integration would typically be: Authentication through Azure Active Directory or LMS integration through flat file synchronization (e.g., json, csv, txt). We’ve worked with plenty of other custom integrations, too – we’re happy to talk about what you need.

Attensi have experience developing sales and product training both for pharma companies but also for other sectors. With the Attensi Technology Platform and Attensi CREATOR, we can customize the training to your existing sales framework or methodology. We’re skilled at creating highly realistic simulations for your organization.

We know that across the globe, language isn’t the only part of your learning content that might need translating. We’re able to create multiple variations of your simulations that are not only translated to other languages, but also accommodate the difference in rules and regulations in different countries.