Customer Service Training

Empower your employees with essential skills by providing the best in customer service training.

Be known for exceptional customer service with Attensi’s gamified simulation training solutions.

How important is customer service in modern business?

Customer expectations are higher than ever. Getting customer service right or wrong can have some serious consequences for your organization.

Customer service training can be the thing to really make you stand out against your competitors and keep your customers coming back for more.


What is customer service training?

Customer service training is how you’ll help your employees deliver the very best experience for your customers.

This may include in person, online and telephone based customer services as organizations add more and more platforms to their offering.

This isn’t just an investment in your employees, but an investment in your customers. The better their experience, the more likely they are to come back to your organization time and again.

What are the benefits of customer service training?

Investing in customer service training should be at the top of your agenda. The return on your investment is clear to see. A great training program leads to:

Improved customer satisfaction

Provide your customers with efficient, speedy and personalized customer service. Proper training can give your team the confidence to deliver just that.

Boost employee morale and retention

Employees are constantly looking for ways in which to develop. When you invest in training, you’re investing in their future. Remember, it’s more cost effective to train and develop than to make a new hire!

Increased sales

Around 91% of customers say they’re more likely to make another purchase after a great customer experience.

Enhance brand reputation and customer loyalty

With customers over 5 times more likely to recommend a brand after an excellent customer experience, customer service should be a priority.

Why choose Attensi for your customer service training needs

Attensi is the leading provider of gamified simulation training, offering cutting-edge VR, AR and 3D interactive experiences. Elevate your training your training programs by incorporating Attensi’s innovative solutions today.

Our scalable training solutions are designed to meet the needs of international organizations. Our training programs can be seamlessly delivered across a variety of platforms and in multiple languages, making them accessible anytime, anywhere.

Our solutions are designed to be easily integrated into your existing LMS. You already have all the content you need, which is why we specialize in delivering it in the most effective way possible.

Essential customer service skills for employees

Customer service training provides employees with the essential skills they need to be able to deliver memorable customer experiences.

Active listening
Whether in person, over the phone or virtually, your customers want to know that they’ve been heard and understood.
Effective communication
Employees need to ask all the right questions that get to the source of the problems quickly and in a friendly manner. They then need the skills to keep customers in the loop throughout their journey.
Problem-solving and conflict resolution
Customer interactions can be challenging. Employees must resolve problems quickly and calmly, whilst maintaining a positive relationship with the customer.
Adaptability and resilience
Employees need to be diligent, patient and able to recognise and adapt to different situations. Especially as customer service is an increasingly varied environment.
Building rapport
To reach exceptional customer service, employees must build bonds with customers, instill trust in the relationship, and go the extra mile for them.

What are the main types of customer service training?

Due to the varied nature of customer service, customer service training can take several forms.

a man employee in a call center

New hire customer service training

Training new hires is one of the most important types of customer service training.

Employees must be equipped with the right knowledge to express your brand’s values through their service.

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Product and service knowledge

Your team needs to have expert knowledge on the products and services you offer. This will mean they can quickly resolve issues, provide helpful information and spot opportunities to sell, upsell and cross-sell.

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Emergency and time-sensitive training

A big part of exceptional customer service is delivering solutions with impressive speed. This training focuses on time sensitive issues so employees can reach resolutions quickly and efficiently.

How to make your training effective:

Engaging content

A fun and engaging program makes for an effective one.

Employees will be motivated not just to complete training, but to repeat it too.

Ongoing education

Encourage role mastery by consistently providing training.

After all, practice makes perfect.


Use bite-sized learning on a range of devices to reach your employees wherever they are. You’re encouraging repeated training, whilst effectively closing the knowledge gap.

How can simulation and gamification enhance customer service training?

Do it, do it again and do it some more. An effective training program encourages the user to repeat training, which is essential to closing the knowledge gap.

Gamification splits training into easily digestible bite-sized chunks, and uses healthy competition with other employees to encourage users to complete training.

Attensi’s gamified solutions have proven to close the knowledge gap consistently by over 90%.

Attensi’s cutting edge simulations eliminate all the risks in learning on the job. Mistakes are another essential part of learning, but they can also be detrimental to the success of your organization if they’re customer facing.

VR and AR simulations allow employees to practice in a safe environment, where they can be challenged by true-to-life scenarios and make mistakes without consequence.

They’ll experience all the advantages of learning on the job, whilst being free of all the consequences of making all-important mistakes.

Empower your employees to enter their role with confidence and resilience.

Easy integration

You’re the experts when it comes to your organization.

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We’re the experts on effective training. That’s why our solutions can easily be integrated into your existing training LMS.

You’ll also have access to data that visualizes employee learning curves, so you can literally see the impact of our training solutions.

Are you ready to level up your training?