Attensi and SportScheck: 3rd place at the German Human Resources Award

SportScheck and Attensi have achieved third place in the “Talent & Learning” category of the German Human Resources Award, one of the most prestigious HR awards in the German-speaking region. The award ceremony took place on 11th September 2023 in Cologne, Germany as part of Zukunft Personal Europe. The German Human Resources Award is presented by the magazine Personalwirtschaft in cooperation with the Zukunft Personal trade fair.


This award recognizes outstanding HR projects in the field of personnel development, competence management, learning, reskilling & upskilling, succession planning and employee retention. This year, over 100 applications competed and we are proud to be one of the 18 finalists.

The scoring was done by a distinguished panel of judges and a public vote. For their evaluation, the jury asked themselves a number of questions, including the following:

  • What specifically was done in the project?
  • What were the goals and how did you achieve them?
  • What are the main achievements of your project?
  • Why is your project innovative?


Retail sales training with Attensi

German Retailer SportScheck was looking for an effective and innovative way to train its store staff to reflect the company’s digital business strategy. Given their wide product range of sports equipment for over 30 sport types and reputation for expert product advice, a robust training system was essential to build employee confidence and ensure a consistently high level of customer service. In addition, the scalability of the solution was crucial to ensure that all employees across the country were brought up to the same level of knowledge at the same time.

In cooperation with Attensi, the specialist for highly effective gamification training, SportScheck introduced a mobile 3D simulation training for about 1,300 retail employees. This innovative solution combines compact training games with realistic customer dialogues and promotes the employees’ skills in the areas of customer service, product knowledge and sales competence.


The award-winning project

The SportScheck Skills training app was launched in May 2022, initially with a focus on sales techniques to increase conversion rates. Since then, new training content has been continuously developed around key business topics, including seasonal product categories and KPIs.


Here are some of the results from the training:

  • 94% of employees said they liked the training and found it relevant to their daily tasks.
  • 89% agree that the training has improved their sales skills
  • 87% of the knowledge gap has been closed
  • Employees trained independently in the app for over 2,270 hours


The collaboration with Attensi began in January 2022, with the project team working closely with store managers and salespeople to develop relevant content for the training. The training modules were developed based on game elements and psychological principles to ensure maximum effectiveness. This process included frequent feedback and adjustments to better meet the needs of the employees.

The minigames and dialogue simulations are created by SportScheck’s project team using Attensi’s CREATOR software and released in their native version of the Attensi SKILLS app for their employees. The partnership with Attensi means support for SportScheck in technical implementation and user management. At the same time, it serves as a creative springboard for designing new training sessions and maintaining employee engagement.

Finally, this innovative learning solution gives SportScheck employees the flexibility to train in the way that suits them best, as they can access the training content anywhere on their smartphone, tablet or desktop.

SportScheck plans more training modules

SportScheck plans more training modules

The SportScheck Skills project has shown that employees are very receptive to new training methods and particularly appreciate them when they are fun and offered in chunks, as evidenced by run-through data and survey responses. Older employees often top the high score list, disproving preconceptions about their acceptance of digital training solutions.

SportScheck is now continuously creating training modules in CREATOR on its own. For example, the next modules will focus on the topic of “sustainability” and provide employees with further training in this area.

“We are very proud that our ever-growing partnership with SportScheck has now been recognised with an award. Their training platform is leading the way for German retail!”

Felix Doepke

Country Lead DACH & Directorof Customer Simulations | Attensi

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