Training and development – it’s our passion, profession and purpose. That means we love to share our thoughts and insights on the industry, based on our own experience or from developments in the wider industry. To get in the know, read on.


Training and development – it’s our passion, profession and purpose. That means we love to share our thoughts and insights on the industry, based on our own experience or from developments in the wider industry. To get in the know, read on.

Digital simulations hit the spot in penalty dramas

Omnichannel: Create a seamless shopping experience

Using simulations to upskill employees

Bank to the future – from Main Street to Metaverse

Three ways to deliver staff development

Our cybersecurity expert shares his top tips on keeping your data safe and sound

How to attract and retain retail talent

Engage and motivate your workforce with a gamified LMS

Gen Z: Your greatest retail opportunity or biggest threat?