Review Attensi’s Service Level Agreement (SLA) for details on access and use of the Attensi Platform for customers and subsidiaries.


This Service-level Agreement (“SLA”) is applicable to customers of Attensi AS, and its wholly owned subsidiaries, regarding their access to and use of the Attensi Platform.


“Business Hours” shall mean the following hours, during Business Days; a) for EU/EEA and UK located Customers 08.00-16.00 United Kingdom time), b) for US located Customers 08.00-16.00 Eastern Time (ET), and c) for Customers who elect a global data region for the processing of their data, the hours shall include the combined support hours of a) and b) above.

“Business Days” shall for the purpose of this SLA mean Monday through Friday, excluding weekends and Public Holidays.

“Error(s)” shall for the purpose of this SLA mean reproducible failures in the Attensi Platform that (a) prevent the Attensi Platform to substantially conform to the Documentation or (b) prevent Customer’s access to the Attensi Platform.

“1st Line Support” shall for the purpose of this SLA mean support provided by Superusers to Authorized Users which shall include resolution of issues related to access and use of the Attensi Platform.

“2nd Line Support” shall for the purpose of this SLA mean support provided by Attensi to Superusers for any issues which fall outside of 1st Line Support, or which remain unresolved following 1st Line Support. 2nd Line Support is provided to Superusers only.

“Monthly Service Availability” shall for the purpose of this SLA mean the total uptime of the Attensi Platform during a given calendar month.

“Superusers” shall for the purpose of this SLA mean the appointed customer representatives responsible for providing 1st line support within their organization.

“Update(s)” shall for the purpose of this SLA mean updates, upgrades, enhancements, and any other major improvements that Attensi generally offers to the users of the Services.

“Public Holidays” shall for the purpose of this SLA mean the official public holidays recognized and observed by the government of the country in Customer’s primary operating region during the current calendar year.

Any words with capital initial letters not defined in this SLA shall have the meaning given to the word in the Attensi Terms of Use.


Customer’s Superusers shall provide 1st Line Support to Authorized Users. Attensi shall provide 2nd Line Support to Superusers. The Customer shall identify Superusers in writing to which Attensi shall provide 2nd Line Support. The number of Customer Superusers and hours of support are specified in Attensi Order Form.

Limiting the number of Superusers aims to assist customers in maintaining focused points of contact with Attensi. This facilitates verification of support requests on the Attensi side and prevents duplicate reports of the same issue.

Support is provided in English and Norwegian only.

Support services provided by Attensi to Superusers under this SLA:

  • Incident Support – identifying and troubleshooting problems that Superusers are unable to resolve,
  • Solving and assisting with issues during installation,
  • Solving and assisting with issues during playthrough,
  • Solving and assisting with issues during regular updates,
  • Solving and assisting with issues during registration or using/viewing the platform,
  • Identifying and creating necessary bug reports,
  • Guidance on implementation and configuration,
  • Solving and assisting with issues related to usage reporting (including playthrough rate, average usage per user, number of accomplished modules per user).

Services not included in the SLA:

  • Development of custom features or functionality, or requests about such,
  • Support in languages other than English and Norwegian,
  • Third-party application integrations or third-party plugins not run by the Attensi Platform,
  • Issues faced as a result of using the Services on hardware that does not meet the defined minimum specifications set out on the Attensi website
  • Issues faced as a result of terminal server software, thin clients, or other hardware without a dedicated graphics card
  • Issues faced as a result of excessively slow, or unavailable Internet access.


Attensi will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide the Services with a Quarterly Service Availability of at least 99% (the “Quarterly Service Availability”). The Quarterly Service Availability will be calculated for the Attensi Platform as a whole.

Quarterly Service Availability will be calculated as follows:

Availability = (1 – (N – P) / D) * 100


P is unavailability in connection with planned maintenance notified to the Customer.

D is operating time in hours. As Attensi does not deliver a business-critical service, operating hours in this respect are limited to 18 hours per 24 hours during Business Days.

N is unavailability due to Level 1 Errors calculated for each commenced hour, i.e. the time the Attensi Platform has been unavailable in the relevant calendar quarter, and this is due to factors for which Attensi is responsible.

The following circumstances shall not be deemed as unavailability:

  1. The unavailability is due to Errors relating to the customer third-party integrations, general Internet/line failures, or downtime of Attensi third-party service providers where redundancy is not available or are outside Attensi’s control. Attensi applications shall gracefully handle third-party downtime where possible.
  2. The unavailability is due to other circumstances outside Attensi’s reasonable control notice.
  3. Customer requests that Attensi postpone Error handling, and Attensi accepts such postponement.


The following service credits shall apply if Attensi does not meet the agreed Quarterly Service Availability:


Quarterly Service Availability Service Credits

Less than 99% but equal to or greater than 98%


Less than 98% but equal to or greater than 95%


Less than 95%



Service Credits will be deducted against future payments due for the Services (annual license). Service credits will not entitle the Customer to any refund or other payment from Attensi.

To receive Service credits, the Customer must submit a claim. To be eligible, the claim must be received by Attensi no later than the end of the quarter in which the Error occurred and must include the Customer’s request logs that document the Errors and corroborate the claimed outage.

Service credits are the sole liability of Attensi and the exclusive remedy of the Customer in connection with not meeting the Quarterly Service Availability.


Attensi will use commercially reasonable efforts to correct Errors through bugfixes or workarounds. Attensi may not issue Error corrections for all Errors, in particular those Errors not classified as either Level 1, 2, or 3 below. For Errors classified as Level 1 Attensi will use its most senior resources available dedicated to solving the Error until such Error has been resolved.

Technical support requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, but Level 1 and 2 requests that require an immediate response or direct help from tech support specialists may be processed out of turn at Attensi’s discretion.


Level 1 – Critical Impact

  • Service is unavailable due to system failure or data corruption.
  • Production application down or critical malfunction resulting in the majority of the Attensi Platform’s users being unable to perform their normal functions.
  • Attensi Platform or portal unavailable or completely unusable (example: web page giving HTTP Status Code 503 error or blank).

Level 2 – Major Impact

  • Major feature/product failure.
  • The Attensi Platform is usable but severely limited.
  • Major loss of application functionality or performance resulting in a high number of the Attensi Platform’s users being unable to perform their normal functions.
  • Inconvenient workaround or no workaround exists.
  • Attensi third-party cloud service provider interruptions.
  • Example: web pages or redirects not functional for all users or Attensi software interruptions or runtime issues. Example: Attensi software freezes or stops working during playthrough.
  • Important tasks cannot be performed but the error does not impair essential operations. Example: Attensi server experiences low performance, but users can log in and use all functions.

Level 3 – Minor Impact

  • Minor feature or product failure resulting in moderate loss of application functionality or performance resulting in multiple Attensi Platform users impacted by their normal functions.
  • A convenient workaround exists/minor performance degradation.
  • Services are running, but the problem causes a major impact for specific Attensi Platform users. Example: user score not calculated correctly.
  • Moderate loss of performance resulting in multiple Attensi Platform users impacted. Example: redirects do not work on some computers or smartphones.
  • Moderate data loss or data performance resulting in some Attensi Platform users impacted. Example: widget or scores not showing correctly in the Attensi Portal.

Errors falling under Error Level 3 are not classed as significant unless the sum of these Errors makes it unreasonable to wait for the next regular update for these to be addressed.

Errors that have only occurred once, and which both the Customer and Attensi are unable to reproduce, are not classed as Errors, and will not be corrected.


Attensi does not guarantee fixed Error resolution periods as such resolution periods can be influenced by several factors, including:

  1. Customer’s timely replies
  2. Response time of third parties, if needed
  3. The need to prepare and release a software update.

Response time, follow-up time, and resolution time are therefore not subject to service credits.

Attensi will however aim to respond to incidents in line with the times set out below:


Level 1 – Critical

Response from Attensi:

Within 1 hour during Business Hours, and 8 hours outside of Business Hours.


Within 24 hours, including an estimated resolution time.

Expected resolution time:

Immediate hotfix (1 – 3 Business Days), deployed as soon as it is available.


1) When the resolution to the issue is outside Attensi’s control, for example, due to errors in a 3rd party platform, then Attensi will keep Customer continuously informed until the issue has been resolved.


Level 2 – High

Response from Attensi:

Within 2 hours during Business Hours.

Follow-up from Attensi:

Within 2 Business Days, including an estimated resolution time.

Expected resolution time:

Next minor version or hotfix, as agreed with Customer.

Level 3 – Low

Response from Attensi:

Within 1 Business Day.

Follow-up from Attensi:

Within 3 Business Days.

Expected resolution time:

Next minor scheduled version, as agreed with Customer.


All incidents are reported in Attensi’s support ticket system. Status reports with historic overview can be provided on Customers request. Superusers will receive instructions on how to open support tickets. If the error is critical (Level 1), the Superuser must also contact Attensi support by phone. If outside business hours, the Superuser should contact their primary Attensi representative. For other errors, the Superuser should contact Attensi support either by email or phone.


Release Schedules

Attensi will perform releases with fixes on the reported incidents during the following intervals:

  • Hotfixes for Level 1 incidents: as soon as possible and as agreed with Customer
  • Minor releases for Level 2 incidents: Weekly or as agreed with Customer
  • Minor releases for Level 3 incidents: Quarterly or as agreed with Customer


Attensi’s data recovery objectives are specified in the table below:


Recovery Time Objective (RTO): the maximum acceptable amount of time for restoring the services and regaining access to data after an unplanned disruption.

Attensi’s RTO is to restore services within 8 hours

Operational RPO (O-RPO) for Operational Recovery, such as restoring due to application errors, wrongful deletion, or accidental data overwrites initiated by a user, Attensi relies on multi-region redundant and incremental backups, which can restore data to any hour within the two weeks prior to the incident.

For Operational Recovery situations Attensi’s target is 4 hours’ maximum data loss

Disaster RPO (D-RPO) for Disaster Recovery, such as a total failure of a third-party Cloud service provider or a major regional disaster disrupting all availability zones in a region, data restoration from offsite backup may result in up to 24 hours of data loss.

For Disaster Recovery situations Attensi’s target is 24 hours ’ maximum data loss


Attensi may perform planned maintenance during the following times (service windows):

  • 00:00 to 24:00 Saturday CET (Central European Time).
  • 00:00 to 24:00 Sundays CET.

When performing maintenance during the service windows specified in the paragraph above, Attensi will notify Customer in advance with the following lead times:

  • Service unavailability > 2 hours during service window: 1 week’s advance notice.
  • Service unavailability > 30 minutes < 2 hours during service window: 24 hours’ advance notice.
  • Service unavailability < 30 minutes during service window: best effort.


Last updated: 2024-08-12
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